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 First book of anatomy and physiology
Dealings with the firm of Dombey and Son
Proverbial philosophy
A system of phrenology
Semiramis, an historical morality, and other poems
Life of John Heckewelder
The illustrated hand-book, a new guide for travellers through the United States of America
The poets of America, with occasional notes
The principles of nature, her divine revelations, and a voice to mankind. By and through Andrew Jackson Davis, the "Poughkeepsie seer" and "clairvoyant." In three parts ..
Friendship's offering
The task
The juvenile speaker
The pilgrims of the Rhine
Cambridge prize poems
Ocean scenes : or, The perils and beauties of the deep : being interesting, instructive, and graphic accounts of the most popular voyages in record : remarkable shipwrecks, hair-breadth escapes, naval adventures, the whale fishery, etc. etc
The ancient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Grecians, and Macedonians
Six lectures on the philosophy of mesmerism
The American phrenological journal and miscellany
Histoire de Girondins
Views of Christian nurture, and of subjects adjacent thereto
